Testimonials: Natsuki Abe

My name is Natsuki Abe, I am a third-year
history student at UVic and I’m from Victoria.
What inspired you to take this course?
I’m fourth-generation Japanese Canadian so having a course at UVic talk about my family’s history is really important to me and an amazing opportunity so I was very excited to take it
What made the biggest impact on you during this course?
Getting to meet all the people I did. Getting to meet all the really amazing people on the bus tour, as well as the teachers and other students. I think that I learn the most through my peers and our discussions.
What would you tell a future student considering taking this course?
Be prepared for long days, really heavy topics, but also be open to meeting your peers as well. Don't be afraid to start conversations because that's where you’ll get the best learning in this course. And be careful! Jordan likes to assign lots of readings but they're worthwhile.